Here on INKSTANE Forums, we are all about community. The one thing we love to do is help our community grow. As our circle here begins to expand, we would like to help grow yours in the process.
That is why this next discussion will be dedicated to anyone who’d like to introduce themselves on our platform.
Tell us about yourself and what makes you unique. If you own a business, released a recent song, have a fund-raiser or event to plan, or simply someone looking to collaborate with others - let INKSTANE help you by promoting your "thing". Be clear about what you want others to know about you.
Be sure to check back in and see who else has commented. You just never know who you might meet or what opportunities may arise.
Remember, this is a fun, safe place to share – so keep it kind!
Best of Luck in being discovered.
Hello to the Inkstane community.My name is Giacomo Piccolo and I am promoting myself.I’m not looking for money or anything of monetary value.I’m just a guy who is living one day at a time and trying to figure out why the good lord has put me on this planet.It has taken a few years and I haven’t figured it all out yet but every day I get a little closer to the answer.A cheerleader for the masses I guess you can call me.Making people laugh think and letting them know it’s ok to be themselves.We all have one life so let’s make it count.Thank you for your time.God Bless.