In the ashes of my darkest night,
I found the flicker of divine light.
Lost in the depths of despair’s embrace,
I sought solace in God’s saving grace.
Through trials deep and shadows wide,
I clung to faith as my guiding tide.
Each step a battle, each tear a plea,
But God’s love whispered, ‘I am with thee.’
On this Ash Wednesday, I begin anew,
A journey marked by trials I’ve come through.
Though the path ahead may seem unclear,
I walk with God, my hope ever near.
In the ashes, I see not just my past,
But the promise of a love that will last.
For in God’s embrace, I find my way,
From darkness to dawn, I am led each day.
My life, my heart, my spirit, and all my strength belong to you, God.
I am merely a pencil in your hand.
Create through me, oh Lord.
